With the above sections and links, we have completed the Domain Layer successfully. You can find their interfaces, implementations, and more by following the links. They are not complicated and almost all of them have the same logic. We have three more folders: camera, microphone, and connectivity sections. So, we covered and completed the chat&auth sections for the domain folder. It’s important to determine functions so that we’ve started with the domain folder. With this, we can listen to authentication changes of the chat service, we can follow the channels (chats) of the current/logged-in user, can connect and disconnect, can create a new chat (channel), and can send an attachment (here, we actually use it for the sending photo, so the attachment is a photo). Since we use HydratedBloc for the local storage, and it needs the related functions, we need to fromJson method of this model. If you want to add more user properties such as last seen, team count, etc., you can add of course.įor the fromJson method, we can say it’s for local storage. For this article, since we are not cover all the properties of the Stream, we just consider the three important properties: User's Created Time, User's Role, and User's Ban Status. After creating and handling the chat service, we can use them efficiently. So, since the services are different (handling this situation is quite important) we need to handle them separately.

Now we create our user model that is different than the auth one. If you paste it to the terminal and run, you’ll see the red lines of the chat_failure.dart file will disappear. Folder Architectureįirst, let’s look at the folder architecture of the project.īuild runner’s code: flutter packages pub run build_runner build -delete-conflicting-outputs
#Flutter firebase chat app free#
If you would like to follow along, feel free to create a Stream free account and clone the repositiory on Github.
#Flutter firebase chat app full#
The sources for the things that are not related to Stream (which we will not cover in this article, but are necessary for the full app) for you include: The article supposes you want to build more complex applications with high-quality packages. This article does not consider the widgets, and the things that are not related to Stream, assuming you have knowledge about Flutter, and a bit of Dart.

Localization from official Flutter docs.Internet Connection Checker: Connectivity.Dependency Injection with Get_it and Injectable packages.DDD (Domain Driven Design) Architecture.Two different presentations of the Stream usage (Prepared UI, which is coming from the Stream Package and Manuel UI that's combined our UI design with the core package).Two different, popular services (Firebase & Stream).

This article will cover a lot of high-quality packages and tools to create a chat application, including: For instance, If you use the BLoC pattern for managing state or WebSockets directly, you need to figure out their communication before applying them. Generally, If you do not consider UI/UX sections, it’s hard to understand and apply communication sections. After gaining some Flutter experience, you may need to build more complex applications. If you want to build an application with the cross-platform framework Flutter, you are in the right place.